
Specialist Groups​​​​​​​


GIS Subcommittee

The FIRESCOPE Geographic Information System Specialist Subcommittee (GIS) was established to coordinate geospatial data, products, tools and services, and related research and development for California's emergency management community for all hazards. Based on ongoing needs analyses, the Subcommittee will facilitate development, maintenance, and access to standardized, consistent spatial databases designed to address various aspects of emergency management --planning, preparedness, response, and recovery. To increase the effectiveness of emergency response and environmental management, the Subcommittee will establish standards addressing scale, format, symbology, terminology, geospatial analysis techniques and methods including interoperability and distribution of geospatial products. The Subcommittee will provide recommendations on the training of GIS specialists and educate management about GIS capabilities. The Subcommittee will provide investigate and recommend methods and products for increasing organizational effectiveness and timely decision support. Finally, the Subcommittee will assess and meet the needs of both GIS technical staff and the final end users of GIS products.

The Subcommittee's efforts will create coordinated GIS solutions to meet emergency management needs, thus enhancing the ability of member agencies as well as FIRESCOPE to provide critical services.


 Upcoming Meetings






2025 GIS Subcommittee Charterhttps://firescope.caloes.ca.gov/SiteCollectionDocuments/GIS Subcommittee Charter.pdf2025 GIS Subcommittee Charter2025-02-05T08:00:00Z




 Plan Of Work



2025 GIS Subcommittee Plan of Workhttps://firescope.caloes.ca.gov/SiteCollectionDocuments/GIS Subcommittee Plan of Work.pdf2025 GIS Subcommittee Plan of Work2025-02-05T08:00:00Z

 Group Documents