Specialist Groups​​

​​Board of Directors

The FIRESCOPE Board of Director’s role is maintaining and improving FIRESCOPE products and services [i.e., Incident Command System (ICS) and the Multi-Agency Coordination System (MACS)]. The decision-making process for these matters is built upon the FIRESCOPE organization and the “consensus” decision-making process that creates buy-in among diverse local, state, and federal fire agencies toward a common goal.

See the FIRESCOPE Organizational Chart

Operations Team

The FIRESCOPE Operations Team consists of fire service personn​el from federal, state, and local fire departments and agencies. Their primary responsibility is to provide technical expertise to the Board of Directors and professional direction to the Task Force on operational, developmental, and maintenance issues involving FIRESCOPE developed Incident Command System (ICS) and Multi-Agency Coordination System (MACS) components.

Task Force

The FIRESCOPE Task Force is representative of FIRESCOPE Board of Director Member Agencies with representatives providing operational and functional expertise in the areas of mutual aid, ICS, and MACS. The FIRESCOPE Board of Directors is responsible for determining Task Force size and agency make-up.

Subcommittees and Ad hoc Subcommittees

The FIRESCOPE Subcommittees and ad hoc Subcommittees assist the Task Force in the development, implementation, and maintenance of FIRESCOPE products. Representation on these groups is determined by the issues being addressed and the subsequent level of technical expertise required ensuring statewide representation.

The FIRESCOPE Task Force has the responsibility for determining the need for and agency make–up of Subcommittees and providing direction in support of FIRESCOPE product development and maintenance.

Each Subcommittee/Ad hoc Subcommittee will have a Task Force Liaison responsible for providing their group with Task Force direction as needed.​